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St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church - 2/12 Holtkamp Main Page Great Division Swell Division Console Other Photos Stop List

St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church
Dublin, OH
2/12 Holtkamp
Opus 1691 - 1956/1991

Photos of the Console

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Console This is a fairly simple console  in a number of ways. One of the biggest things missing are the thumb piston buttons under the keys for preset registrations. This means that the organist must manually select or deselect stops if a change in registration is desired. The two small lights on the top and to the right of the stop tablets are for wind (power), and sforzando.
Console tabs This organ has stop tabs instead of knobs. Depressing a tab selects the stop. This photo shows the Pedal Division tabs. The white tabs are stops which control pipes, the black tabs are couplers which link divisions of the organ together. Reed stops are colored red which is why the Trompette 16' tab has red writing. 
console1 Displayed here are the stop tabs for the Swell Division. This organ identifies the division as "Positiv" (as seen in the right black tab in the above photo) as originally the organ did not have a swell box. The Cymbal stop is not the percussion cymbal but rather a mixture type stop which "borrows" pipes from other ranks. It does not have a rank of pipes of its own. 
Console2 The Great Division represents the majority of the ranks on this organ. Though not marked on the stop tab, the mixture is a three rank mixture. All of these pipes are inside the left side of the case except for the 8' Principal rank which can be seen on the back wall of the church on either side of the case.
Console6 Things are pretty simple down closer to the floor. The one pedal controls the shutters for the Swell Division, and the lever on the right side is a foot stop for sforzando or full organ.

Peebles-Herzog The majority of this organ is made up of parts from the original builder of this organ, the Holtkamp Organ Company of Cleveland, OH. The organ was then restored with some additions by Peebles-Herzog. Holtkamp

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